The Investment Market is saturated with a plethora of Products and Services.
Portfolio Management Services are exclusive and premium services available for the discerning and
select Investors .The product may offer Individual customisation or follow a Standard portfolio
which is replicated in all the accounts. PMS should form the core part of the overall allocation for
any High Networth individual such as yourself. We have a tieup with the leading 10 PMS Fund
management companies leading to a wider choice for our clients.
As an astute investor, who understands risk-reward ratio, you want:
- A portfolio of select stocks which are backed by
Solid research , active tracking and high level of Interaction with the companies concerned.
- Differentiation, Innovation & Sophistication of
the strategies is a must to generated additional Alpha and beat the markets.
- Concentrated yet diversified bets in stocks and
sectors to build a portfolio of high conviction ideas aiming to generate the best Risk
reward Adjusted returns
- Personalization & Customization
- Transparency and higher level of Information flow
in terms of Market Views, Stocks & Sector views.
- Additional purchase facility & Partial Withdrawal
facility is generally offered by most Fund Houses
- Strong and Active risk management
- Diversification of portfolio for adequately
spreading equity related risks
- Experienced and Professional fund management team
- Flexibility to switch from one strategy to other
- Concentration Of Portfolio leading to better